Osborne Energy Limited aims to become an exemplary company, championing good practice in all our activities within our industry.  We intend to achieve this by living the values and respecting the needs, expectations, and social & economic wellbeing of all our stakeholders.

Osborne Energy Limited has a commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health and also to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks.

Osborne Energy Limited has developed and integrated a management system (IMS) in accordance with BS ISO 45001:2018. This policy supports OEP04 – Integrated Management Policy and the IMS in its documentation, implementation and maintenance.

We are committed to continual and effective improvements whilst at the same time complying, as a minimum, with appropriate legislation, regulation and any other requirements placed upon us. As part of our commitment to continual improvement, we shall consistently set and monitor measurable objectives and targets consistent with this policy.

We recognise that health and safety is an essential component for our business performance, and we will review our strategies, policies, procedures, objectives, and targets pertaining to health and safety at least every three years, earlier if deemed necessary, in order to assess their continued suitability and support their continued improvement.

All necessary funds and resources will be made available in order to achieve good management and promotion of health and safety.

Our employees must recognise that everyone shares responsibility for achieving healthy and safe working conditions. In addition to this, Osborne Energy Limited has a commitment to consultation and participation of workers.

Any health and safety concerns should be reported to the Health and Safety Manager or a line manager.




As required within the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, we will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of our employees. This includes:

  • The provision of safe plant and systems of work
  • The provision of any required information, instruction, training, and supervision
  • A safe place of work including safe access and egress
  • A safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities

Under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, employees are required to:

  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work
  • Cooperate with their employer and others in order to enable them to fulfil their legal obligations

There is also a duty under this act to others who may be affected by our work activities, such as the public, other contractors, neighbouring businesses etc.

A full copy of the Act can be found in the IMS.

As required within the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, we will ensure that we:

  • Undertake a suitable and sufficient assessment of risks to employees and to other people who may be affected by the organisation
  • Make effective arrangements for planning, organisation, control, monitoring, and review of safety measures
  • Appoint or contract competent persons
  • Provide health and safety information to employees
  • Provide employees with adequate and relevant health and safety training
  • Protect new and expectant mothers and young persons
  • Develop suitable emergency procedures
  • Provide information on risks identified, and the measures put in place to control them

Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, employees must:

  • Use equipment and materials properly in accordance with instructions and training
  • Report situations where there are serious and immediate dangers and any shortcomings in the employers’ protection arrangements

A full copy of the regulations can be found in the IMS.

Under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 we will have responsibilities placed upon us that are dependent on our role within delivery of contracts, either Principal Contractor, Contractor or possibly on occasion, Principal Designer. Each role has specific responsibilities attached to it.

A full copy of the regulations can be found in the IMS.

Under the Health and Safety (Consultations with Employees) Regulations 1996 we must consult relevant employees in relation to certain areas.

A full copy of the regulations can be found in the IMS.


Principal hazards


Osborne Energy are both a grant funding management agent and an energy efficiency and renewables installation project managing agent.

The principal hazards faced by office and home-based employees are slips and trips caused by poor housekeeping, fire, musculoskeletal problems caused by DSE use and driving on work business.

The principal hazards for installation staff are more significant, including working at height, lone working, hot work, vibration, working with machinery, electricity, fragile roofs, driving for work and asbestos.

Risk assessments and method statement for all significant hazards have been produced and are subject to ongoing review. In addition, policies are in place covering working at height, lone working, fire, vehicle use.

Short and long-term health and safety targets and objectives are documented in the Health and Safety Policy Objectives.



 Overall responsibility for health & safety within the organisation belongs to the Managing Director, John Puttick.

The competent person for the organisation is the Health and Safety Manager Debbie Austin, who holds a NEBOSH General Certificate qualification. She is responsible for oversight of, and provision of advice relating to, health & safety. The final authority for all decisions relating to health & safety, however, remains with the Managing Director.

The Senior Management team undertake responsibility for policy implementation, monitoring, and review.

Chris Hoad, who holds a NEBOSH General Certificate qualification, and is based entirely on-site deals with site health and safety matters and has been instructed by the Managing Director to report on this to the Health and Safety Manager.

Department managers are responsible and accountable for the health and safety performance of their department. If relevant, they must ensure that machinery, equipment, or tools used within their department are maintained, correctly guarded and meet agreed health and safety standards. Development of training plans for new or transferred employees fall within their area of responsibility, with the Training Matrix being maintained by the HR department.

Site supervisors are responsible and accountable for their team’s health and safety performance. They must enforce all safe systems of work procedures, instruct site staff in relevant health and safety matters, keep records of this instruction, and enforce all health and safety rules and procedures. Responsibility for enforcing personal protective equipment requirements falls under this role.

Fire warden coverage is provided by Zac Osborn.

First aid coverage is provided by Debbie Austin and Sarah Carver.

Domestic gas works are undertaken by qualified Gas Safe engineers.

All employees are required to work together in order to create a safe working environment. They should take responsibility for their actions within the workplace and the implications they can have for them, their colleagues, and the environment.



Accident reporting and investigation

It is important that accidents, incidents, near misses and work-related ill health are reported, in order for the effectiveness of health and safety management systems to be reviewed.

Staff must cooperate in the investigation of any accident or incident that has led, or which the Company considers might have led, to injury. In some cases, the organisation must send a report of the circumstances and causes of incidents such as major injuries to the appropriate authorities as required by RIDDOR.

The document OEP27 – Accident and Incident Reporting Policy provides further detail on reporting requirements.


Approved Codes of Practice

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 Approved Code of Practice and guidance is applicable to cavity wall insulation, solid wall insulation, heating installations, repairs and servicing managed by the Company.

Gas work only carried out by a person who has successfully completed an industry-recognised training course followed by assessment of competence. Insulation installers employed by the Company undertake an ACOPS Gas Awareness course prior to installing wall insulation.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 Approved Code of Practice and guidance is relevant to both heating and insulation installers employed by the Company. Asbestos Awareness training is undertaken by these employees prior to commencing work.

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 Approved Code of Practice and guidance applies to our office and site activities. A COSHH register is kept in the office kitchen area, documenting the domestic cleaning supplies used within the office. A COSHH register for substances used whilst undertaking heating and insulation works is maintained separately, and a copy is available in each work vehicle.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 Approved Code of Practice and guidance applies to all use of equipment for work purposes, both on site and within the office.

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 Approved Code of Practice and guidance applies to both site and office working, covering areas such as ventilation, cleanliness, temperature and washing facilities.

Copies of these Approved Codes of Practice can be found in the IMS.



Due to the nature of the work carried out by our installation staff, the presence of asbestos containing materials in their work environment is a distinct possibility. Staff have clear instructions to leave any area where this is suspected and then report to the office immediately.

The Health and Safety Manager has carried out a review of the Asbestos Management Report relating to Hanover House, which was commissioned by the Property Management Agent. No risk of contact with asbestos containing materials was identified.



The defibrillator can be found in Reception. No training is required to operate. A regular battery level check is carried out by staff attending the office.


Emergency evacuation and fire precautions

Staff should familiarise themselves with the Fire Emergency Plan on what to do in the event of fire or emergency, which is displayed throughout the offices.  Ensure staff know where the fire extinguishers are, ensure they are aware of the nearest fire exit and alternative ways of leaving the building in an emergency.

Fire wardens are responsible for the effective evacuation of designated areas and roll call at the Assembly Point.  In the event of a suspected fire or fire alarm staff must follow their instructions.

Regular ad-hoc fire drills, minimum of twice yearly, will take place to ensure that fire procedures are effective and to ensure staff are familiar with them. These drills are important and must be taken seriously.

Weekly bell tests are carried out by the building management staff. checks of fire extinguishers and fire doors are undertaken by the Health and Safety Manager.

Annual inspections of fire extinguishers at the office are carried out by JS Fire Protection Ltd.


Electrical equipment

PAT testing of portable electrical is undertaken at recommended intervals.


Employee consultation

Consultation with employees on health and safety matters is generally undertaken via email or online questionnaire.



When tools and equipment are issued, operatives must confirm receipt and understanding of instructions relating to safe use.

Employees must ensure that health and safety equipment is not interfered with and that any damage is immediately reported.

Regular checks are undertaken. No employee should attempt to repair equipment unless trained and designated to do so.


First aid supplies

There is a first aid box in the office. Located in the Health and Safety Manager’s office (room 5). The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for ensuring these are checked every six months. A first aid box is also located in each works van.



The Company will ensure that the employee’s work area at home is set up to an adequate standard to suit the employee, and to comply with the relevant Regulations.  Review of DSE self-assessment will be carried out by the Health and Safety Manager and information and advice related to home office set-up is available in the shared Teams environment.

The homeworker is responsible for ensuring that his/her working area is maintained to a satisfactory standard and for informing their line manager if any part of the environment requires alteration.


Lone working

Installation staff often work alone, in domestic premises and occasionally on a site. All lone workers are issued with a mobile phone in order to summon assistance.


Management of visitors

Visitors to the Company office are required to sign-in upon arrival and are to be accompanied whilst on the premises.

Site visitors must also sign-in upon arrival and are then to undertake a site induction and will be issued with appropriate PPE.


National health alerts

In the event of an epidemic or pandemic alert the Company will organise its business operations and provide advice on steps to be taken by employees, in accordance with official guidance, to reduce the risk of infection at work as far as possible.


Office safety

Inspections are undertaken within the office to ensure good housekeeping and maintenance.


Risk assessment procedure

Risk assessments relating to hazards associated with the office environment are reviewed annually by the Health and Safety Manager. Risk assessments and method statements relating to hazards associated with site and installation works are produced and reviewed by the Health and Safety Manager and the Compliance Officer.

A dynamic risk assessment should be completed by the installation operative upon arrival at a property or site, to assess any additional hazards identified.

A fire risk assessment review is carried out annually and the record is located within the Fire Folder in Reception and within the shared Teams environment.


Use of PPE

If PPE or RPE is identified as a required control, this will be provided. It is the duty of the operative to use any protective equipment provided by the Company and the Company is responsible for ensuring the equipment is inspected, maintained, and replaced where necessary.


Vehicle safety

Daily walkaround checks are carried out daily, and a checklist completed by the driver of the vehicle weekly, to be submitted electronically in an online form to the office. Tyre checks are carried out by drivers and an external supplier consulted when required. All drivers are issued with OEP21 – Vehicle Policy. Driver licence checks are undertaken when a new driver joins the Company and then on an annual basis.


Welfare provision

Office staff have access to sanitary and washing facilities. A kitchen area with a cold filtered water machine, table and chairs is available for break periods. A coat rack is available for use. Workstations are well set up and are assessed for DSE issues.

Installation staff are provided with bottled water during hot weather. Due to the nature of installation, which is generally carried out in or on domestic premises, they are required to follow the Installer Code of Conduct in relation to using customer facilities.


Work at height

Scaffold is to be erected by a scaffold contractor approved for use under QP08 – Supplier Management Procedure.

Inspections of the scaffold should then be carried out by a competent person before first use, no longer than every seven days and following any circumstances that may have jeopardised the safety of the installation e.g. high winds. The results of inspections must be documented. 

Mobile tower scaffolds must only be erected and dismantled by trained, competent persons, and manufacturer’s instructions must be followed. All towers must be inspected following assembly and then at suitable regular intervals by a competent person. The results of inspections must be documented.

Ladders should be checked prior to use. Safe use guidelines should be followed, and ladders should only be used if secured. Documented inspection is to be carried out weekly.


Signed (John Puttick, Managing Director):

Date: 08.06.2023